Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Follower of the Way

From now on I choose to identify myself as a Follower of the Way. This is the original name followers of Christ used when the majority if His followers were still Jewish. The period right after His resurrection before St.Paul and others began to preach to the Greeks, Romans, and others. Why you ask? Because the name of Christian is being hijacked by some of the most hate filled UN-Christlike people on earth. These people preach that God has turned His back on this country because of divorce, abortion, and homosexuality. Really? The Christ I know taught forgiveness and love. Love for all, not just those who share your views. I recently heard some one call Republicans the modern Pharisees. Seems like a good fit to me. Christ's view of the Pharisees and their strict adherence to the Mosaic Law is what got Him crucified. Are we to crucify Him yet again? The quoting of one part of a verse out of a sentence from an entire chapter to prove a point is wrong. Taking scripture out of context to prove a point is both backwards and ignorant. If, for instance, Leviticus is to be quoted as a justification for something (anti-Gay sentiment for example) we enforce all of the chapter. Therefore, adulteres must be stoned to death (where did I put my pile of rocks?), we can no longer eat pork( Smithfield Foods will object to that) women are not allowed in the Temple or church (oh, I don't even want to go there) also I get to sell my un-married sister into slavery (this is tempting sometimes) on and on we go. I am sure this will make the Christian Taliban squirm. I am also pretty sure they would claim those parts of Leviticus were no longer relevant. Really? How do you figure that? One part of the law is to be followed and another is no longer to be followed? How would that work in our modern court system? Not very well I expect-unless you are rich and can afford the best defense, then all bets are off. Christ said as he was being arrested "to live by the sword is to die by the sword". I wonder if using scripture from either Testament to marginalize segments of the populace could be considered "wielding a sword"?
     I did not set out in life to be dependant on the government, yet I like many others find myself there. Now Christians are threatening to take it all away in the name of personal accountability. These same Christians say it is OK because I am a sinner. Did Christ not say "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"? I am sick of you people and I wonder if Christ is too. Sometimes I can see Him shaking his head saying-I died for that?
Just call me a Follower of the Way from now on. The name Christian sickens me.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


I have had many things on my mind lately. Some affect me and some affect the ones I love and care about. I realize that this country has the best health care on the planet. This is a "good thing". However, we also have Medicare for those who are retired or disabled. Medicare throws people living with mental issues, cancer and AIDS under the train. If some rising stars in the Republican Party have their way this will get worse. Crazy people do not matter, Cancer patients will die any way, and AIDS patients are sinning queers. Who cares what happens to these people? As I write this  am wondering whether the "Party of Twelve" will defund A.D.A.P., the program that helps those of us living with AIDS get the life saving medicines we need. Yet all the Gay community can be worried about right now is who can marry whom. I guess Silence=Death is a thing of the past. Remember the Eighties? Remember the Civil Disobedience? Remember going to two or three funerals a week? I do. At 52 years old, I have buried all of my closest friends. Is my time coming? My father recently asked me what I consider to be a stupid question. "What will you do when you can not get your medicine?" Really? What the hell do you think I will do?  The answer is "Die" Daddy dearest.
Right now survival of those in our community is un-important, getting married is. What good is "Gay Marriage" if half of us are dead? Meanwhile, I get no sleep.
     I have a dear friend that falls into one of the catagories I mentioned earlier, mental illness. Right now he is at the very bottom looking up. From a recent conversation I have the feeling he sees no light at all. Now in a perfect world, his Medicare should allow him to check into a hospital to get the help he needs. Medicare will only pay about fifty percent of the cost, and when he has reached his annual maximum the hospital will boot him out whether or not he is ready. His family knows how delicate his situation is, and I must admit these people are even more hateful than my family!  His sister has no regard for his mental health. She continues to drop her self-centered bombs on my friend daily. She also tells him he is on disability because he is too lazy to work, not to mention accusing him of being a drunk and using drugs. The funny thing? This bitch and her backward clod of a husband are big old beer swilling drunks themselves! My friend chose to block her from calling him, her response? Send the police to conduct a Wellness Check because she is "so concerned". Some people are just too stupid to exist! She would be one. If I ever get my hands on her telephone number, she is going to get an old fashioned gay bitching out. Until then, I guess I will keep my friend in my prayers and offer the only things I have, my shoulders and my love.
     If there were a country the two of us could ex-pat and get the medical care we need, I would say let's pack our bags and go. But what country, including my own, wants to take care of an AIDS bag?
     Another thing I have been pondering is the new Taliban Christian Movement AKA the Tea Party. I watch with amusement as these fools continue to shoot themselves in the foot, yet the Evangelical Fundamentalist Christians continue to worship the quick sand these morons walk on. They want to make laws and constituional ammendments for any and everything they think is sinful, not to mention finding ways to overturn Supreme Court rulings they do not agree with. "Let's re-institute Don't Ask Don't Tell, overturn Roe versus Wade, defund A.D.A.P., and enforce D.O.M.A.. Then God will love us again and all will be well". Bullshit. Why not just admit they would love to copy Nazi Germany and eliminate all who do not fit their ideas for the Master Race of narrow minded, inbred, and backwards Christians. Just remember this you morons, Christ said "The greatest Commandment is that you love one another" there is no "but" or "except for" in that statement. Christ also said "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone". Or does you translation of the Bible not have those statements in it? Just pondering...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Shut up and go away!

If you have nothing positive or uplifting to say then please shut up and leave me alone! This includes both people and organizations.
First let's start with family. You know the people that God stuck you with. Yesterday Mommy Dearest and her side kick of 54 years just showed up. (Cue Wicked Witch of the West music)
I knew immediately upon gazing on their dear faces this was not to be a pleasant visit. Right off the bat, without so much as a hello, I heard "We have been trying to call you all day but your line was busy. Who were you talking to?" First off, the damned telephone is in MY name and I pay the bill. Secondly, it is none of your business to whom I place or from whom I receive telephone calls nor how long said calls may last. My loving parents do not see it that way though. Never will. To them I am not a 51 year old man, but an errant child that must be brought under control. Then dear Daddy moved on to the electric bill. "You need to be careful son, your next bill will be high". Really? It is hotter than hell outside and I can't figure that one out all by myself? But then again, the electricity is in MY name and I pay the bill. Our visit continued to go down hill, sort of like a snow ball rolls down Mt Everest. We moved onto the budget crap going on in Washington and how I might not get a check, followed by-as always- "and we will not be able to help". Well that was a news flash, I have been hearing that since I left home in 1978! They seem to forget I know how to handle money. I may not have much left over by the end of the month, but there is always some. I even saved enough to put new tires on my car. Imagine that, the village idiot can do something on his own after all. After the hand wringing over Social Security's demise, I told them of a conversation with a friend of mine who is now retired from the boondoggle we call the Federal Government. Rick says Social Security is computer controlled and for those with direct deposit there will be no delay. As for changes, Rick says the program for Social Security payments is so big it will take six months to make any changes. Soon after I shot down the gloom and doom the Dynamic Duo took off. Have no fear dears, they are at home cooking up the next disaster for their eldest son-me. You see, since I am a Gay man and they know it. In their eyes that makes me a moron incapable of making any worth while decisions. Remember "If you had made better choices you health would not be so bad." Mama and Daddy-Please shut up and go away!
     Now onto my other favorite people the Tea Party. The Boston Tea Party was about taxation without representation. We have representation and unfortunately you are part of it. But then again you people like to change history, you know, "Paul Revere rang bells to warn the British that we were armed". What is amusing and scary as well, is people eat that stuff up! "Gay people are destroying our marriages and families". Really? It seems to me straight people don't need any help from us as they are doing a pretty good job of that on their own. "The retired and disabled should be taken care of by their families and churches". As I said before, God is the first to get ripped out of a budget when times are lean, kind of blows that out of the water. Most households are already struggling, so it is very likely there is not enough money to take care of Grandma or the AIDS bag homo in the group. ( Aw come on, if I can joke about it so can you) Then there is the whole constitutional amendment for every damned thing the Tea Party does not agree with. I am sorry, but as it stands, and has stood for over two hundred years, citizens of this nation are guaranteed the right to the pursuit of "life,liberty,and happiness". Now for some of us this means the right to visit a partner in ICU, or to help a partner with medical decisions or make said decisions when the partner can not. Not to mention leaving ones earthly possessions-what ever they may or may not be- to whom ever one might wish. Do not blur the already smudged line between church and state any farther. THIS IS NOT A THEOCRACY! If that is what you want, then move to some Arab rat hole of a country. Tea Party-shut up and leave me alone!
     Now for our congress. Do your damned job stop bickering, rushing up to the nearest microphone for a sound bit and picture of your mug and whining about whom is against what. Shut up and leave me, and everybody else for that matter, alone.  Hugs-Garry

Monday, July 11, 2011

If we start it will they come?

Tomorrow night a group of us will be meeting at my church to hammer out the last of the details for starting an HIV Support Group here.  There has not been one for many years.
Now that the governments, both state and federal, are cutting funding to so many resources we thought it would be a good idea to have a support group and invite local nurses and case managers to help us navigate the new reality that is living with HIV/AIDS. Now the million dollar question-will anybody come? I hope so as a great deal of work has gone into this. I know we will need to give it time to "take off'", yet I still wonder whether or not people around this small town will stick their necks out and come. After all, this is the Bible Belt and being open about some things might not be healthy.  I know that when my family finds out I will be subjected to much grief.  As Gloria Gaynor once sang "I will survive"! I might have a head ache though.  We do not air our dirty laundry in the South.  Somebody might think less of my parents. But I digress. I just hope after all the work and the many people that have volunteered to help, people will take advantage of this and come.   Hugs-Garry

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tea Party anyone?

Lately the Tea Party and its whacked Congressional members and Presidential wanna be crowd have been all over the news. Now while I find their misquoting of historical facts, making up words and the like amusing they are beginning to scare me a bit. Michele Bachmann now has some of the more traditional members of the GOP convinced that nothing will happen if the country's debt ceiling is not raised. Now people in the financial world say that is untrue. Standard and Poor has said they will reduce the country's credit rating. As anyone who has ever suffered a "ding" to their credit knows, this means higher interest rates and difficulty obtaining credit in the future. What troubles me the most is the order in which payments are to be made if this does indeed happen. First in line, interest only payments on the nation's debt, after that if there is any money left payments will be made to Social Security recipients, then Medicare claims, then federal employees. Now when the money runs out at any given time, that's it. Finis. It's done. So let's see. Will those on Social Security be expected to pay bills with IOUs? I am sure that landlords, mortgage companies, utility companies grocery stores and the like will say "Sure". Are Medicare Part D providers going to continue to provide services without the monthly premium being paid? I doubt it, besides nobody really needs medicine anyway,right?  Yet the people this will affect the most are behind the Tea Party almost one hundred percent.
These people buy what the Tea Party says hook line and sinker. Wonder how they will feel when grandma gets booted from the nursing home for non-payment because Medicare can not pay.
     I am also sure that all the thousands of federal employees will be happy to show up and work for free. After all who would not gladly watch air traffic, insure the safety of travelers, or dodge bombs in the Middle Eastern wars for free? Sign me up!
     Yet the folks in Washington are going to take a ten day break, I guess it is hard work not taking care of the nation's business, arguing about  DOMA, and figuring out how to erase the line of separation of church and state.  Hugs-Garry

Monday, June 27, 2011

a big hairy smelly word-HATE

How can people who do not even know me hate me? I am not a bad guy. I do not steal, I do not generally lie, I do not want to recruit little boys. I am just a normal, whatever that is,man who happens to be gay. Yet all of these "Christians" say I am out to undermine all that is American. Really? Some even say that God will damn the United States because I might fall in love with another man. Again I say-Really? In the translation of the Bible I have it is written "judge not least you be judged accordingly". Christ says that "the greatest commandment is that you love one another". I guess King James, the translation these people believe is the only "authorized version" does not have those two verses. By the way, authorized by whom? God? Christ?
I hardly think so as Christ did not speak English, even the "Kings English". Christ spoke ancient Hebrew because-GASP!- He was a Jew. All I want is to be able to love whomever I choose and be able to have that man visit me when I am in the hospital, leave my stuff to him if I want too and not have my family be able to decide otherwise. If that takes a marriage license, which by the way are issued by the states, so be it. But to hate me for it?  I do not understand it. Hatred is an evil thing not born of the very God these people claim to follow, but born of Satan. Hatred destroys, it does not build up. Hatred will consume your very soul. Hatred causes wars and senseless acts of violence. So when did hatred become a Christian value?

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Cheers to my friends in New York. What your state government did was indeed a mile stone in the Gay Movement. How fitting to celebrate at the Stonewall Inn! Those of us in the Bible Belt envy you, we will never have that privilege as our state governments added bans on Gay Marriage/Civil Unions to the state constitutions. Some by popular vote and some by legislative vote. Either way it is banned. The backward and hateful Evangelicals have won once again. Move you say? Well for some of us that is not possible for we are on ADAP, at least for now, and can not pull up stakes and move. For me it really does not matter as I do not want to marry anyway. I would loose or have reduced some of my benefits and I really can not afford that. Living on Social Security, especially without a C.O.L.A. for the past three years, is hard enough. I can not afford to loose one single dime.
     A good friend from New York called and asked me what would happen if a Gay couple decided to get divorced. Really? What does he think will happen? We will no longer be able to walk away without any consequences. Yes, the whole 50/50 thing is going to apply to us too! All I want to know is "Who gets the cat?". I guess you need to be careful what you wish for.
No, I am not bitter. Just practical.   Hugs to all!  Garry

Friday, June 24, 2011


Recently, mostly because of the 30th anniversary of AIDS I have been remembering people.
There are my three exwhatevers, Lem who committed suicide about twenty years ago. He was a twisted soul, but since he is no longer here I guess it would be rude to speak ill of him. So I won't. Then there was Shawn, gold digger number one. He thought I could just pull money out of thin air. Now I was still working back in those days and making a damned good salary for the early 1990s. I owned my house, well the mortgage company and I owned it. I had a brand new car, once again the bank owned more of it than I did. We lived rather comfortably. Shawn could never be happy. If it was not the biggest,latest, or the best he would have no use for it. Ungrateful ass, especially since he was making a career of being employed part time at a tanning salon. WOOHOO big money! (not) The day after I came home and told him I had to retire on disability as my health would no longer let me work, he said good bye. He finally found a Sugar Daddy, or Sugar Granddaddy depending on how you look at it.
  The third gem of a man was a drunkard that was completely allergic to working. Once I thew him out of the co-op apartment that I had bought but I mistakenly let his mother talk me out of that. I guess she did not want to support him either. This leech still thinks I owe him something. I think very differently.
     Lastly come those dear friends who have gone on. During the spring of 1993 through the summer of 1994 I went to a least one funeral a week. Sometimes more. By the time I was 36 I had buried all of my close friends and one sweet man destined, or so we thought, to be my partner. When in the right mood to dwell on this I tend to come unglued. OK, I cry a lot.
Eventually I come around and realize as long as I remember their faces and their names they are not truly gone. Just for a while. As corny as it is, I often wonder if some day, ala the movie Long Time Companion, we will once again laugh and joke and hug. I sure hope so. I can hardly wait!    Hugs-Garry

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Any one that has known me for more than fifteen seconds knows there is nothing I abhor more than change. I turns my little world upside down and inside out. This week is one of great change. I am Methodist and every four to six years the Bishop transfers a pastor and sends a new one. Methodists everywhere know this. That knowledge, however, does not make it any easier. We become attached to our Spiritual leaders. Sunday will be Mike's, our current pastor, last Sunday at First Church here. Monday he is off to his new assignment in Morehead City, NC. Today I will play a funeral at church, this will be the last time I ever play at Mike's request. Sunday the choir has a wonderful, but emotionally charged anthem prepared. Back to today. I will be sitting on the bench balling my eyes out. While everyone in the congregation will think it is because of the deceased, it will actually be because of Mike's leaving. I hate change, it is not my friend, in fact I am pretty sure that I am allergic to it. Do they make a pill for that? People say change is good, I tend to disagree. Well at least sometimes.  So long Mike, God Bless.  Welcome Joe Casteel.
Hugs!  Gary

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I had a conversation with my sister yesterday about the danger that ADAP was going to go away. She asked me if that meant that the "innocents" or people who got AIDS from blood transfusions and children and infants of infected mothers would be cut off too. What, those of us who were not innocent deserve to die? By the way that includes your brother. Yet again I am shocked by a comment from my "loving" family. One would think that by now I would have learned otherwise. Not that long ago seated across the table from my mother after Sunday dinner I got the remark-out of the blue- well if you had made better decisions your health would not be so bad. Then there was the time-also out of the blue- that my mother informed me that she did not believe in Gay marriage. Ha, the joke's on her this time, neither do I. I do however believe in Civil Unions for us. I guess that because I am a 51 year old Gay man that I am not supposed to have any feelings. WRONG! These comments hurt Mommy Dearest! Yet I keep going back for more. Who's stupid now?
     The irony in all of this is that my sister is a Lesbian and lives with her partner of 10 years. Now this is OK with my parents,but just let me announce that I am in love with a man and watch the fireworks start. After taking quotations from the Book of Leviticus and the writings of St.Paul way out of context(I told you this is life in the Bible Belt) I get reminded of what horrible choices each of my past three partners was. Unfortunately I can not argue that point as there is much truth in it. But I was in love!(gag)
     Now the biggest rub. I am out,period. I do not lie, I do not hide. If you do not want to know the answer, then do not ask the question. I am guilty of being selectively out in the past but I am remedying that. My sister, you remember the lesbian, is not. I reminded her of that fact yesterday. Her response, "Mom and Dad know that there is only one bedroom in the house!" Oh Margaret! They also knew that about my houses, but I still TOLD them that I am Gay. A dear friend of mine says "You can't argue with stupid", Loren you hit that nail on the head. When will I take it to heart? One of these days, soon I hope, I am going to say to my family I am out of here, I am going to run not walk and never look back. Until then I guess I will still have to endure life in the Bible Belt.   Hugs to all-Garry

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I am mad as Hell and I am not going to take it anymore

I am mad as Hell and I am not going to take it any more! All of my adult life I have considered myself out of the closet. Well, I was not completely out of it afterall. I would sit and wring my hands and worry while people who do not know me made decesions that affect my life. Not anymore. Yesterday I posted a reply to an article on Yahoo about Gay Marriage. While I would prefer the term Civil Union, leave God out of it, I am totally for it. Without this protection our partners can not visit us in the hospital, can not make decesions about our care, and we can not leave them our belongings when we die without the worry our families can say no. This is just flat out WRONG! Who the Hell do these people think they are that we can be treated as second class people? We are not second class people! We are doctors, lawyers, church organists(gasp!) and many other professions.
     Pronblem number two. I do realize that the federal and state government budgets are in crisis. Ido realize it can no longer be business as usual, I have to budget my money too. Why are the state and federal legislators taking it out on the ADAP program? The medicines that controll the AIDS virus are impossibly expensive. While I would gladly pay for my own were I able to, I can not. To make matters worse Part D providers are dropping the drugs from their formularies. I have written the President and my congressmen and senators. This will continue until one of them has the decency to respond. If not, the telephone calls will begin. We have the right to play with our lives, these assholes do not!