Saturday, July 23, 2011

Shut up and go away!

If you have nothing positive or uplifting to say then please shut up and leave me alone! This includes both people and organizations.
First let's start with family. You know the people that God stuck you with. Yesterday Mommy Dearest and her side kick of 54 years just showed up. (Cue Wicked Witch of the West music)
I knew immediately upon gazing on their dear faces this was not to be a pleasant visit. Right off the bat, without so much as a hello, I heard "We have been trying to call you all day but your line was busy. Who were you talking to?" First off, the damned telephone is in MY name and I pay the bill. Secondly, it is none of your business to whom I place or from whom I receive telephone calls nor how long said calls may last. My loving parents do not see it that way though. Never will. To them I am not a 51 year old man, but an errant child that must be brought under control. Then dear Daddy moved on to the electric bill. "You need to be careful son, your next bill will be high". Really? It is hotter than hell outside and I can't figure that one out all by myself? But then again, the electricity is in MY name and I pay the bill. Our visit continued to go down hill, sort of like a snow ball rolls down Mt Everest. We moved onto the budget crap going on in Washington and how I might not get a check, followed by-as always- "and we will not be able to help". Well that was a news flash, I have been hearing that since I left home in 1978! They seem to forget I know how to handle money. I may not have much left over by the end of the month, but there is always some. I even saved enough to put new tires on my car. Imagine that, the village idiot can do something on his own after all. After the hand wringing over Social Security's demise, I told them of a conversation with a friend of mine who is now retired from the boondoggle we call the Federal Government. Rick says Social Security is computer controlled and for those with direct deposit there will be no delay. As for changes, Rick says the program for Social Security payments is so big it will take six months to make any changes. Soon after I shot down the gloom and doom the Dynamic Duo took off. Have no fear dears, they are at home cooking up the next disaster for their eldest son-me. You see, since I am a Gay man and they know it. In their eyes that makes me a moron incapable of making any worth while decisions. Remember "If you had made better choices you health would not be so bad." Mama and Daddy-Please shut up and go away!
     Now onto my other favorite people the Tea Party. The Boston Tea Party was about taxation without representation. We have representation and unfortunately you are part of it. But then again you people like to change history, you know, "Paul Revere rang bells to warn the British that we were armed". What is amusing and scary as well, is people eat that stuff up! "Gay people are destroying our marriages and families". Really? It seems to me straight people don't need any help from us as they are doing a pretty good job of that on their own. "The retired and disabled should be taken care of by their families and churches". As I said before, God is the first to get ripped out of a budget when times are lean, kind of blows that out of the water. Most households are already struggling, so it is very likely there is not enough money to take care of Grandma or the AIDS bag homo in the group. ( Aw come on, if I can joke about it so can you) Then there is the whole constitutional amendment for every damned thing the Tea Party does not agree with. I am sorry, but as it stands, and has stood for over two hundred years, citizens of this nation are guaranteed the right to the pursuit of "life,liberty,and happiness". Now for some of us this means the right to visit a partner in ICU, or to help a partner with medical decisions or make said decisions when the partner can not. Not to mention leaving ones earthly possessions-what ever they may or may not be- to whom ever one might wish. Do not blur the already smudged line between church and state any farther. THIS IS NOT A THEOCRACY! If that is what you want, then move to some Arab rat hole of a country. Tea Party-shut up and leave me alone!
     Now for our congress. Do your damned job stop bickering, rushing up to the nearest microphone for a sound bit and picture of your mug and whining about whom is against what. Shut up and leave me, and everybody else for that matter, alone.  Hugs-Garry

1 comment:

  1. Like "oh my G-d, your gay?", LOL I never knew...hang in there hon, it is just material for your new book!
