Monday, June 27, 2011

a big hairy smelly word-HATE

How can people who do not even know me hate me? I am not a bad guy. I do not steal, I do not generally lie, I do not want to recruit little boys. I am just a normal, whatever that is,man who happens to be gay. Yet all of these "Christians" say I am out to undermine all that is American. Really? Some even say that God will damn the United States because I might fall in love with another man. Again I say-Really? In the translation of the Bible I have it is written "judge not least you be judged accordingly". Christ says that "the greatest commandment is that you love one another". I guess King James, the translation these people believe is the only "authorized version" does not have those two verses. By the way, authorized by whom? God? Christ?
I hardly think so as Christ did not speak English, even the "Kings English". Christ spoke ancient Hebrew because-GASP!- He was a Jew. All I want is to be able to love whomever I choose and be able to have that man visit me when I am in the hospital, leave my stuff to him if I want too and not have my family be able to decide otherwise. If that takes a marriage license, which by the way are issued by the states, so be it. But to hate me for it?  I do not understand it. Hatred is an evil thing not born of the very God these people claim to follow, but born of Satan. Hatred destroys, it does not build up. Hatred will consume your very soul. Hatred causes wars and senseless acts of violence. So when did hatred become a Christian value?

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