Lately the Tea Party and its whacked Congressional members and Presidential wanna be crowd have been all over the news. Now while I find their misquoting of historical facts, making up words and the like amusing they are beginning to scare me a bit. Michele Bachmann now has some of the more traditional members of the GOP convinced that nothing will happen if the country's debt ceiling is not raised. Now people in the financial world say that is untrue. Standard and Poor has said they will reduce the country's credit rating. As anyone who has ever suffered a "ding" to their credit knows, this means higher interest rates and difficulty obtaining credit in the future. What troubles me the most is the order in which payments are to be made if this does indeed happen. First in line, interest only payments on the nation's debt, after that if there is any money left payments will be made to Social Security recipients, then Medicare claims, then federal employees. Now when the money runs out at any given time, that's it. Finis. It's done. So let's see. Will those on Social Security be expected to pay bills with IOUs? I am sure that landlords, mortgage companies, utility companies grocery stores and the like will say "Sure". Are Medicare Part D providers going to continue to provide services without the monthly premium being paid? I doubt it, besides nobody really needs medicine anyway,right? Yet the people this will affect the most are behind the Tea Party almost one hundred percent.
These people buy what the Tea Party says hook line and sinker. Wonder how they will feel when grandma gets booted from the nursing home for non-payment because Medicare can not pay.
I am also sure that all the thousands of federal employees will be happy to show up and work for free. After all who would not gladly watch air traffic, insure the safety of travelers, or dodge bombs in the Middle Eastern wars for free? Sign me up!
Yet the folks in Washington are going to take a ten day break, I guess it is hard work not taking care of the nation's business, arguing about DOMA, and figuring out how to erase the line of separation of church and state. Hugs-Garry
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