Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I am mad as Hell and I am not going to take it anymore

I am mad as Hell and I am not going to take it any more! All of my adult life I have considered myself out of the closet. Well, I was not completely out of it afterall. I would sit and wring my hands and worry while people who do not know me made decesions that affect my life. Not anymore. Yesterday I posted a reply to an article on Yahoo about Gay Marriage. While I would prefer the term Civil Union, leave God out of it, I am totally for it. Without this protection our partners can not visit us in the hospital, can not make decesions about our care, and we can not leave them our belongings when we die without the worry our families can say no. This is just flat out WRONG! Who the Hell do these people think they are that we can be treated as second class people? We are not second class people! We are doctors, lawyers, church organists(gasp!) and many other professions.
     Pronblem number two. I do realize that the federal and state government budgets are in crisis. Ido realize it can no longer be business as usual, I have to budget my money too. Why are the state and federal legislators taking it out on the ADAP program? The medicines that controll the AIDS virus are impossibly expensive. While I would gladly pay for my own were I able to, I can not. To make matters worse Part D providers are dropping the drugs from their formularies. I have written the President and my congressmen and senators. This will continue until one of them has the decency to respond. If not, the telephone calls will begin. We have the right to play with our lives, these assholes do not!

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