Sunday, June 26, 2011


Cheers to my friends in New York. What your state government did was indeed a mile stone in the Gay Movement. How fitting to celebrate at the Stonewall Inn! Those of us in the Bible Belt envy you, we will never have that privilege as our state governments added bans on Gay Marriage/Civil Unions to the state constitutions. Some by popular vote and some by legislative vote. Either way it is banned. The backward and hateful Evangelicals have won once again. Move you say? Well for some of us that is not possible for we are on ADAP, at least for now, and can not pull up stakes and move. For me it really does not matter as I do not want to marry anyway. I would loose or have reduced some of my benefits and I really can not afford that. Living on Social Security, especially without a C.O.L.A. for the past three years, is hard enough. I can not afford to loose one single dime.
     A good friend from New York called and asked me what would happen if a Gay couple decided to get divorced. Really? What does he think will happen? We will no longer be able to walk away without any consequences. Yes, the whole 50/50 thing is going to apply to us too! All I want to know is "Who gets the cat?". I guess you need to be careful what you wish for.
No, I am not bitter. Just practical.   Hugs to all!  Garry

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