Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Follower of the Way

From now on I choose to identify myself as a Follower of the Way. This is the original name followers of Christ used when the majority if His followers were still Jewish. The period right after His resurrection before St.Paul and others began to preach to the Greeks, Romans, and others. Why you ask? Because the name of Christian is being hijacked by some of the most hate filled UN-Christlike people on earth. These people preach that God has turned His back on this country because of divorce, abortion, and homosexuality. Really? The Christ I know taught forgiveness and love. Love for all, not just those who share your views. I recently heard some one call Republicans the modern Pharisees. Seems like a good fit to me. Christ's view of the Pharisees and their strict adherence to the Mosaic Law is what got Him crucified. Are we to crucify Him yet again? The quoting of one part of a verse out of a sentence from an entire chapter to prove a point is wrong. Taking scripture out of context to prove a point is both backwards and ignorant. If, for instance, Leviticus is to be quoted as a justification for something (anti-Gay sentiment for example) we enforce all of the chapter. Therefore, adulteres must be stoned to death (where did I put my pile of rocks?), we can no longer eat pork( Smithfield Foods will object to that) women are not allowed in the Temple or church (oh, I don't even want to go there) also I get to sell my un-married sister into slavery (this is tempting sometimes) on and on we go. I am sure this will make the Christian Taliban squirm. I am also pretty sure they would claim those parts of Leviticus were no longer relevant. Really? How do you figure that? One part of the law is to be followed and another is no longer to be followed? How would that work in our modern court system? Not very well I expect-unless you are rich and can afford the best defense, then all bets are off. Christ said as he was being arrested "to live by the sword is to die by the sword". I wonder if using scripture from either Testament to marginalize segments of the populace could be considered "wielding a sword"?
     I did not set out in life to be dependant on the government, yet I like many others find myself there. Now Christians are threatening to take it all away in the name of personal accountability. These same Christians say it is OK because I am a sinner. Did Christ not say "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone"? I am sick of you people and I wonder if Christ is too. Sometimes I can see Him shaking his head saying-I died for that?
Just call me a Follower of the Way from now on. The name Christian sickens me.

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