Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Oppression-the great American Way

Here we go again. It is yet another election year in the good old USA. Once again the Evangelical Christian (I prefer to call the Taliban Christians) candidates are spouting Leviticus and the Epistles of Saint Paul. OK, that's fair if, and only if, we are going to follow ALL of the Mosaic laws. That means shell fish can not be eaten, good bye shrimp and lobster. It means that pork is also forbidden, so no more Pork Roast for Sunday dinner and the dietary laws go on and on. It means that women can no longer have a say in the matters of the church. Wow, all of those suddenly unemployed woman preachers. It means that should my brother meet an untimely end, as the eldest son I can sell my sister-in-law into slavery if I do not want to marry her. I don't. Mosaic law also has a rather hefty list of people we may stone to death for their "sins". If we start that, there will not be enough quarries to provide the stones. Besides, Christ said "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" to those about to stone a woman guilty of the sin of adultery. (Look out Newt!)
     There are only ten of the over 600 commandments that God gave Moses, the ONLY part of the book He wrote, published because some Christian at some time decided the rest were not relevant. If we are going to live by Mosaic Law, then we need to live by all of them, enforce all of them no matter how archaic we may find them.
     I have a better idea. Keep your religion of hatred and intolerance to yourselves. Stay out of my life and out of my bed room. The Gay community has not ruined the family or "traditional" marriage, you straight people have done quite well without our help. Our country will not collapse or cease to be because of Gay people. That is an out right lie. I give thanks and praise to God on high that the Christian community to which I belong does not preach this hatred.
     Sometimes I wonder if Christ is watching and shaking His head. I can almost hear Him say "I died for that?".
Oppression-the Great American Way.